<日本語/English> 全日本学生なぎなた選手権大会でなぎなた部が団体(女子)3位になりました。
Students of Mukogawa Women’s University naginata club placed 3rd in All Japan competition.
English below.
8月7、8日に山形県総合運動公園で開かれた第60回全日本学生なぎなた選手権大会(全日本インカレ)で、武庫川女子大学なぎなた部が試合競技 団体(女子)で全国3位になりました。本大会は演技競技、試合競技、公開競技に分かれて行われ、トーナメント方式で大学日本一の座を争います。
The word “Naginata” refers to the long pole with a sharp curving sword blade at one end. The sport uses kendo-style protective equipment and wood or bamboo weapons.
From august 7th to the 8th, the naginata club members of MWU, competed in the 60th championship held in Yamaguchi prefecture . They were placed 3rd and will continue to compete for the first place among other contending universities.