

Celebration of 554 postgraduate and junior college students being awarded certificates and diplomas.


English below. 





瀬口学長は式辞の中で、コロナ禍で思い通りにいかなかった2年間の学生生活に触れ、「そ のようななかでも、オンラインでの体育祭や対面とオンライン併用のハイブリッド文化祭をはじめ、 皆さんは あらゆることに創意工夫を凝らして学生時代を前へと進めてきました。積み重ねた経験と知識は必ずや力となって、これからの人生を支えてくれると確信しています」と話し、「皆さんは変革する時代のトップランナーとして、武庫川女子大学の卒業生であることに強い誇りと自信を持ってください。皆さんの真価が問われるのはこれからの学びです。すべてを学びの機会ととらえ前進を続けてください」と激励の言葉を贈りました。









代表学生答辞 生活造形学科 井戸穂香【全文】


【卒業式 学生ボランティア】

宮﨑 姫歌(心理・社会福祉学科3年)、高見 華代(生活環境学科2年)、森下 京音(食物栄養学科1年)、三木 紀玖甫(食物栄養学科2年)、亀尾 七海(情報メディア学科1年)、吉田 涼南(情報メディア学科1年)、溝渕 礼香(演奏学科2年)、前田 早智子(演奏学科2年)







A number of 554 students were awarded with their graduation certificates and diplomas at the graduation ceremony held at the Koe Memorial Hall on March 20th, 2022. With measures placed to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, the graduates and faculty members were the only attendees in the auditorium. The role of arbitrator for this year’s graduation ceremony were given to student volunteers.


 Warm words of congratulations along with diplomas and graduation certificates were handed over to students from the head of university, Mr. Seguchi.


Head of university, Mr. Seguchi cited of how distressful the 2 years it must have been for the students during the pandemic and not being able to lead a customary student life. He said “Even under these times of difficulties, all of you showed determination and team spirit to create what’s never been done before. These include carrying out major events such as sports festival and culture festival successfully orchestrating the act of hybrid harmony of in-person performances and online recordings of the shows. Please continue to live on with the experiences you gained here at Mukogawa Women’s University and carry on the legacy.”


A student representative, Ms. Honoka Ido added “Even though we struggled throughout the pandemic period, we came out stronger and I hope to continue living knowing we got this far together.”


Ithe afternoon, a total of 110 students attended the postgraduate ceremony held at Hisaka Multimedia Hall.


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