The final session of the "2nd KOBE Recruiting Innovation School" was held, and the "Recruiting Guides" created by the students were presented.
English below.
中小企業の人事や採用・インターンシップの考え方を学ぶプロジェクト「第2期KOBE採用イノベーションスクール」(主催:武庫川女子大学経営学部、神戸市 共催:兵庫工業会)の最終回(第6回)が11月18日開催され、受講生が制作した各企業の「リクルーティングガイド」の発表が行われました。
第2回( 9/13)「面接、および応募者とのコミュニケーション」
第3回( 9/28)「視点を変えると発見が生まれる 自社のなるほどを探そう!」
今城志保・㈱リクルートマネジメントソリューションズ 組織行動研究所主幹研究員
尾山真・富山大学地域連携推進機構地域連携推進室 准教授
The 6th and final session of the "2nd KOBE Recruitment Innovation School" (hosted by Mukogawa Women's University Faculty of Business Administration and co-sponsored by the City of Kobe and the Hyogo Industrial Association), a project to learn about human resources, recruitment, and internships at small and medium-sized companies, was held on November 18, and the "Recruiting Guide" created by each company was presented by the students.
During the poster session, the participants explained the "recruiting guides" for each organization, and also verified the reactions of the students from the School of Business Administration who came to the event.
Mr. Tomohisa Okamoto, lecturer at the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Toyama, who has been teaching the course, said, "When we introduced the companies, the way we used to say 'our company' at the beginning of the course has now changed to 'we'. The walls between companies have been broken down and the window has expanded. I hope that the learning from the 2nd Recruitment Innovation School will help you to change your point of view and continue to think about things".
At the completion ceremony, Makoto Fukui, Dean of Mukogawa Women's University's College of Business Administration, presented each participant with a certificate of completion, and the organizers and co-sponsors gave their greetings, saying, "We hope that the Recruitment Innovation School will continue to experiment and take root in Hyogo Prefecture and Kobe City.