English below.
丹波の枝豆といえば秋の名産「黒枝豆」が有名ですが、「デカンショ豆」は、丹波市内の若手農家5軒が栽培する品種で、「夏の枝豆」として新たな特産品化を目指しています。2022年2月より社会情報学科 大森いさみ教授のゼミ生8人が兵庫県丹波地方の食資源開発として食のリサーチを開始。デカンショ豆の農家から「知名度が上がらない」などの課題を聞き、デカンショ豆の広報企画を提案しました。収穫後の鮮度を保つのが難しい枝豆の特性を考慮し、栽培農家での収穫体験の販売・実施に取り組んでいます。
Students of the Omori Seminar of the Department of Social Informatics took on the challenge of harvesting "decanting beans," which the students of the Omori Seminar of the Department of Social Informatics are working on publicizing through industry-government-academia collaboration, with children from the Mukogawa Women's University nursery school.
On July 20th, children from the nursery experienced harvesting "decansho beans".
While Tamba's edamame is famous for "black edamame," a specialty of autumn, "decansho beans" are a variety grown by five young farmers in Tamba City, with the aim of creating a new specialty as "summer edamame." The students began research to develop food resources in the Tamba region of Hyogo Prefecture. Hearing from farmers of decansho beans that they were not becoming well known, they proposed a publicity plan for decansho beans. Considering the characteristics of edamame, which are difficult to keep fresh after harvesting, we are working to sell and implement harvesting experiences at farmers who grow the beans.
From the viewpoint of dietary cultivation, we also spread the idea to the kindergartens and nursery schools affiliated with the university by offering the harvesting experience to the children and their guardians through flyers. The harvesting experience at the nursery school was a success.
One of the farmers, Mr. Yasuhisa Tabuchi of "Tamba Tabuchi Farm," brought freshly harvested decanting beans with their stems on to the nursery on the morning of the 20th. Saki Kariya, Asuka Kuroda, and Yuzuna Sakai, fourth-year students in the Omori Seminar of the Department of Information Media (now the Department of Social Informatics), gave advice on how to pick them to 32 children aged 4 and 5. After picking the decansho beans, the children cheered, saying, "We got a lot of beans," and "I want to eat them at home with my family."
The harvested beans were served with jam filled buns as a snack for the day. The children also took home some handmade origami shaped in edamame beans made by the seminar students so that enjoy them with their families.
One of the seminar students said, "I gave tips on how to pick them, and they did so very well." Mr. Tabuchi said, "The temperature difference between day and night in Tamba makes it possible to grow delicious crops such as edamame and rice. It makes me happy to know that delicious taste of decanting beans could be conveyed to those who are not familiar with the area," said Mr. Tabuchi.