

English below. 

















  Mukogawa Women's University's last open campus of the year was held on September 22 at the Main Campus, Hama-Koshien Campus, and Kami-Koshien Campus, attracting 1,795 people (preliminary figures) despite the rain.

 The opening ceremony was held at the Koe Memorial Auditorium and opened with a performance by the calligraphy club. After an overview of the University and an explanation of the admissions system, visitors participated in Departmental Programs and participated in Talk with Department Faculty of their choice. Visitors also came to the Consultation Booth where they could ask questions about entrance examinations, scholarships, study abroad, and other topics.

 Many high school students also gathered at the School of Environment and Sustainability, which will open in April 2025. In an explanation of the department, Professor Tetsutaro Kimachi, who is scheduled to become department head, explained the four years of study to enhance problem-solving skills centered on practical social cooperation projects. In a mock class, Professor Shigenori Murata gave a presentation on the theme of “Biodiversity".  

  At the Kami - Koshien Campus, a briefing session was held at the Architecture Department, where the students emphasized the fact that the six-year integrated education, up to the master's degree program, enables all students to obtain first-class architect certification in the shortest course possible. In addition, students talked about their student life experiences, saying, “The Kami - Koshien campus is attractive for its historically famous architecture and rich gardens. After graduation, I plan on being involved in designing architectural structures that value Japanese culture,” and encouraged students to find out what kind of environment they will be able to work hard in after entering the university, and to discover their ‘axis of self-purpose’.

  The Open Campus staff, who are current students, took an active role in guiding visitors and leading the “Open Campus Tour,” which toured the main facilities. They answered questions from high school students in a friendly manner, sharing their own experiences and eagerlu promoted all that Mukogawa Women’s University had to offer.

  The entrance examination for the 2024 school year is about to begin. The application period for the publicly offered recommendation entrance examination will begin on October 8 (Tues.). For details, please see the “Examinees' Site” on our website.


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