<日本語/English> 中央図書館で企画展示「今こそ読みたい名作」を開催中。古典作品や小説を中心に読み継がれている作品が集められています。薬学分館では「体内リズムを整えよう」の企画展示を実施中。
Special exhibition at the main campus library “now is the time to read” range of books.
From classics to novels, the library has chosen and is showcasing a series of well-known books people should read. It’s being held on the ground floor just by the entrance gate.
Presented are books which people are familiar with but may have never read, stories that appeared in school textbooks but can’t quite remember. There are around 130 books like those said above.
One staff from the Mukogawa library, stated “if you actually read some of these, you’ll see why they’ve been around for this long and why it’s so popular. So please make use of this opportunity and read them if you can.” The books will be exhibited until June 30th.
Another exhibition at the Pharmaceutical building will be available until July 9th.
More info below.