<日本語/English> 若者の花離れを課題に、経営学科の学生が「花文化の普及にむけた、新しい取り組みの提案」を企業担当者に提案しました。


Presenting ideas on how the youth can become interested in flowers.


English below.




経営学科の1年生170人に行ったアンケートでは、約90%は花が好きと答え、年間に1回以上花を購入した人は66%と多くの学生は花に興味を示しています。一方で、花を手に取らない理由として「花の手入れ方法がわからない」「虫が嫌い」「特別な時に購入するイメージ」「価格が高い」「お店に入りにくい」など、日常的に花を買わない理由がわかってきました。学生たちは4つのグループに分かれて、それぞれが「花を知ってもらうきっかけ作り」「ミーツ・フラワーデー」「FEURLA 花とチョコレートの融合」「花につつまれたアフタヌーンティー 若者に向けたカフェの提案」をテーマにした提案を発表。ライフイベントや部屋のインテリアとして、ブリザーブドフラワーの商品を考案したり、ロスフラワーの活用や販売形態で価格を抑え、子どもや若者が手に取りやすい仕組みを考えたり、花に触れる機会を増やす環境やイベントを日比谷花壇の西日本エリアのマネージャー達6名に提案しました。







Students in the second grade from the Department of Business Administration gathered ideas as to how to promote to younger generations in purchasing flowers in a project based learning practice.


The main topic of this field work was to discuss, plan and present ideas to company reps as to how to encourage sales in flowers through their marketing initiatives.  They distributed surveys to students in the same department as to whether they like flowers or not, then continued their research with the information. Despite 90% of the respondents claiming to like flowers, only 66% reported to have only made a purchase once a year.


The students presented their work in a small group to managers from Hibiyakadan, the florist production. One representative from Kobe, stated of how interesting the presentations were and how informative and helpful their findings will be for future reference.


The professor in charge, Ms. Nishiguchi conveyed of being proud of her students’ hard work and how their ideas could help promote flowers and have their initiatives come to life.


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