<日本語/English> 日本語日本文学科の教員と学生が開発に参画する漢字教材コンテンツ「漢字キャラクターあめかちゃん」に、ウオヘン君が新登場。8月6日にあかし市民図書館で、小学生たちと魚にまつわる漢字を学びました。
Learning the kanji characters of sea creatures with elementary school students at Akashi city library.
English below.
武庫川女子大学は大阪・関西万博「TEAM EXPO2025」プログラム/共創パートナーに登録しており、「漢字キャラクターあめかちゃん」は共創チャレンジ認定プロジェクトになっています。
Students of Department of Japanese Language and Literature along with associate Professor Kaoru Shitara assisted in teaching kids. The summer holiday event was held at the Akashi public library to offer students in elementary schools how to write the kanji characters of sea creatures.
An anime carton Ameka-chan and the story around the fictional character offers teaching materials that specializes in the learning of kanji. In 2020, students of MWU undertook in creating, directing and doing the voice over for an animation to post on YouTube.
This study session welcomed a total of 9 elementary school students ranging from 7 ~ 10 year old. A topic from SDGs were integrated with their learning too. The students also learned not only about the writing elements of fish but also about seasonal fish to idioms related to fish.
Mukogawa Women’s University is registered as co-producing partner at Expo 2025 Osaka and it the kanji anime Ameka-chan will feature as a certified project.