<日本語/English> アメリカ分校夏期オンライン留学を実施、修了式が行われました。


The end of summer term ceremony for study abroad online program with Mukogawa U.S. Campus.


English below.


コロナ禍の影響で、例年実施しているアメリカ分校への夏期留学プログラムは中止となりましたが、2021年度はオンライン留学プログラムとして実施しました。8月17日~ 28日のうちの計10日間、日本時間の朝8:30(現地時間16:30)から90分授業を3コマ、約60人の学生が5つのクラスに分かれ、それぞれ自宅から授業を受講しました。











In 2020, due to the influence of Covid-19, the annual summer study abroad program at the American campus had to be called off. However in 2021, online study abroad program was implemented in replacement of it.  Up to 60 students, split into 5 classes, were able to take part in online classes from the comfort of their homes. The classes took place during a total of 10 day period, from August 17th to the 28th. With 3 slots of 90 minutes lessons.


The content of the program was devised by the teachers at the American campus who are familiar with the students of the university. The teachers showed real time visuals of nature and parks, markets, restaurants, movie theaters of the city of Spokane, Washington, where the campus is located. Vocational activities such as painting and yoga classes were taught by residents that offered stimulation and cultivated interest of those who took part in them. It was an online study abroad program that could only be conducted by Mukogawa Women’s University due to its extension of the campus in the U.S.


Although at the beginning, many struggled to hide their anxieties over the lessons being all English based, towards the end of their studies, they were able to overcome those fears and demonstrated their abilities with presentations. The closing speech was conducted by the Director of Education, Ms. Brenda Stapleton. The head of International Affairs, Mr. Horie, along with a teacher of the U.S. campus, Ms. Ronica celebrated the completion of the program with special thanks to all the teachers involved; Rosemary, Andrea, Pei-ju, Delaney and Anikke.


The students who participated, commented “having experienced the online study abroad program, it’s made us want to go to the U.S. campus even more.”


It’s unfortunate how the students were unable to go to the U.S campus in person, but it is evident that a new style of learning has been recognized thus an online study abroad program from the next fiscal year will be in consideration.


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