<日本語/English> 国の登録有形文化財・武庫川女子大学甲子園会館(旧甲子園ホテル)の画像をYou Tubeで配信しています。


Available on YouTube – a video clip of Mukogawa Women’s University Kami-Koshien campus.

English below

 武庫川女子大学甲子園会館(旧甲子園ホテル)は10月1日から、「甲子園ホテル 1930~1944」と「庭園散策 甲子園会館」の2本の画像をYou Tubeで配信しています。

 甲子園会館では、新型コロナウイルスの感染防止対策のため、現在、一般見学受け入れを休止しています。そこで、上記の2本の映像を作成し、「オンラインミュージアム」として兵庫県阪神南県民センターが主催する「阪神地域オープンミュージアム無料開放DAY」に参加し、You Tubeで配信するものです。



「甲子園ホテル 1930~1944」 (6分41秒)






「庭園散策 甲子園会館」 (4分32秒)







甲子園会館 桜2021 

星に願いを@甲子園会館2021 七夕飾り付け作業風景 



兵庫県阪神南県民センターは、10月1~3日、阪神地域(尼崎市、西宮市、芦屋市、伊丹市、宝塚市、川西市、三田市、猪名川町)の美術館・博物館約35施設について、常設展を中心に期間中、無料開放する「阪神地域オープンミュージアム無料開放DAY」を開催します。甲子園会館は、コロナ禍により一般見学を休止している現況から、「オンラインミュージアム」としてこれに参加し、画像をYou Tubeで配信するものです。


As of October 1st, two videos of Mukogawa Women’s University has been posted on YouTube. They can be found under Koshien Hotel 1930~ 1944 (甲子園ホテル 1930~1944) and Walk around the garden of Koshien Kaikan (庭園散策 甲子園会館).


To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, measures have been placed for some time and that includes accepting visitors on site. Therefore, the videos were produced in order to participate in an online museum scheme held by the Hyogo Prefecture Citizen Center.


[Further information]


 Koshien Hotel 1930~1940      


A luxury resort hotel, Koshien Hotel was constructed by Hanshin railways in 1930. At that time, people would say “Imperial Hotel in the east, Koshien Hotel in the west”. Shin Endo was in charge of the design of the hotel who was like an apprentice to the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Viewers will be able to enjoy the picturesque scenes in monotone that reflects the beauty of the hotel even to this day.


Walk around the garden of Koshien Kaikan  

Let us guide you through the beautiful Japanese garden at Koshien Kaikan throughout the four seasons.


Take a walk through the forest of bamboos and down south of the garden. Beautiful seasonal flowers such as cherry blossom and maple trees welcome you for a trip of a poetic sentiment. The garden is known for its charming ambiance during the evenings, too. A tea room “Myoan” can be found which compliments as well as adds to the attraction of the garden. Through the gates of the tea room, you’ll be able to take a leisurely view of the garden from here.


The following videos can also be found on YouTube so please take a look.


Cherry blossoms at Koshien Kaikan 2021 

Tanabata 2021 




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