

Starting a new project on PBL for proposal of corporate brand awareness measures for the Hoyu Ltd.


English below. 


経営学部の実践学習で、2023年3月に創立100周年を迎える「ホーユー株式会社」の100周年コーポレートブランド認知施策の提案を目指すプロジェクトが10月1日からスタートしました。ヘアカラーで知られる「ホーユー」は100周年に向けて、「安心・安全」「歴史・伝統」「堅実性」といったこれまでのイメージを維持しつつ、「楽しさ」「ワクワク感」「トレンドを取り込む柔軟さ」など洗練されたイメージを、より多くの人に伝えようとしています。この新しいコーポレートブランドを認知してもらう手段として、同社のスローガンである「COLOR YOUR HEART」を、SNSやAR(拡張現実)を活用して具現化するコミュニケーション施策を検討しており、学生の視点を活かした独創的でオリジナリティのある意見・企画アイデアの提案を期待しています。






As a project based learning (PBL) practical assessment, 12 students from the Faculty of Business Administration took part. It marks a significant assignment since Hoyu Ltd. will see its 100th year in business come March in two years’ time. The students gathered to start the project on October 1st. They had an introductory meeting online to discuss and explain the reasoning behind participating.  


Hoyu Ltd, best known for its hair dye products, heading towards its 100th anniversary trying to continue maintaining the image of past with “safety and security”, “tradition”, and “solidity” whilst implanting new ones too.


Using social media and AR (augmented reality) and with student perspective, the focus is on embodying company’s slogan “COLOR YOUR HEART”. The communication measures such as these should help to raise awareness of the corporate brand.


A second year student, Nanae Tatsumi commented “I’m looking forward to working with Hoyu Ltd,. wewill do our bet to meet the expectations by making proposals that only we can make about the cosmetic industry and hair care.” Another student, Nanako Kikukawa added “I’m happy to be involved in a project like this. I would like to pull my weight and do my best. I’m looking forward to learning about anything beauty related.”  


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