<日本語/English> 冷凍弁当のレシピを考案する「学内レシピコンテスト」の調理実習会が行われました。


Devising a recipe for frozen meals in a PBL - “school recipe contest”.


English below.  









(株)ティーケーシン専務取締役 福本正也さんは「学生さんの新鮮な感性で企業では思いつかない発想を期待しています」と話し、メニュー開発担当者とともに、調理中の学生にアドバイスを送りました。





Twenty-six third year students of the Department of Food and Nutrition, who are currently studying to become registered dietitians are preparing for the Campus Recipe Contest that will be held in January 2022.


On November 27th, a cooking workshop was held for the proposal of the recipe at the training room of the Health and Science Hall. In the contest, the students worked towards developing a recipe for frozen bento for a local store that manufactures frozen meals, T.K.S. Co., Ltd. based in Naruohama, Nishinomiya city. The students are devising a recipe for the new frozen meal that is well-balanced, delicious homemade frozen meals which could even extend your life expectancy.


With regards to the guideline for this contest, there are two types of recipe conditions. One is to meet the requirements of a diet of an average person’s nutritional value. Another will need to meet the needs for persons with particular dietary conditions. The students worked in teams to come up with ideas to develop something by themselves, then took photographs of the products, as well as making a PowerPoint. When it came to the ingredients they used various types of vegetables and even sampled some original recipe too.  


Below are the list of comments by the students.


“Prior to this assessment, we’ve made prototypes by ourselves.”

“We’ve been particular about making something that looks good as well as tastes good even if it’s for people with restricted diet. I used citrus as an unconventional ingredient that is reduced fat.”

“The idea I want to put forward is a dish not only catered for dietetic but for all to enjoy eating the same food together.”

“It was extremely inspiring to cook with a friend who was full of ideas. It wasn’t an easy task, but it was definitely worth it.”


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