<日本語/English> 武庫川女子大学発のスイーツ「豆蜂」が限定販売で連日完売の人気を博しました
A dessert “tofun” founded by Mukogawa Women’s University available for a limited time so popular it sold out every time.
English below.
蜂蜜を豆乳で固めた武庫川女子大学発のスイーツ「豆蜂(トーファン)」が、地下鉄三ノ宮駅前の「KOBEそらまめマルシェ」で11月28日まで期間限定で販売され、連日完売する人気を博しました。豆蜂は食創造科学科の有井研究室が特許を申請している技術を用い、神戸市の食品会社「ハートスフードクリエーツ(株)」と共同開発。淡路島産のはちみつを使い、学生がフルーツ等の飾りつけやネーミングを提案するなど、地域と産学の力が詰まったオリジナルスイーツです。抹茶(66 kcal)と紅茶(51 kcal)の2種類。低カロリーなのにしっかりした甘味があり、滑らかな食べ心地です。22日から28日まで、学生も店頭に立って販売に協力したところ、1日限定20個(各種10個)が連日早々に売り切れました。
At the underground station of Sannomiya, students of Mukogawa Women’s University sold “tofun” at a pop up store. This new type of sweets called “tou-fan” has been founded by a professor Yasuhiro Arii, department of food sciences and the owner of Arii lab. He with a team of his researchers conducted experiments on soy milk and honey. Arii laboratory teamed up with Heratoss Food Creates Ltd., and coproduced 豆蜜 which basically translates to “bean honey”.
Students were heavily involved in the process of inventing tofun. They produced the design and the shape of the cup that the sweet will be placed in as well as naming of the product. The dessert is decorated with fruits and such by students which also can be seen as a symbol of the regional work coming together. There are 2 flavors on sale - tea (51 kcal) and green tea (66kcal) flavors. They were on sale from the 22nd to 28th, and limited to only 10 sets of both per day which sold out very quickly.
A large number of customers specifically after the dessert were seen, which the students replied to as “we’re happy to see them all sold.”