<日本語/English> 硬式庭球部がデフJrテニス教室in兵庫の開催協力及びデフテニスのキッズと交流会を実施しました。


Deaf junior tennis class exchange held in Hyogo.


English below. 


第39回デフJrテニス教室in兵庫(主催:NPO法人デフテニスジャパン)が12月4日、武庫川女子大学上田テニスコートで開催され、本学硬式庭球部部員が兵庫県を中心としたデフテニスの小学生キッズプレイヤーと交流会を行いました。デフ(deaf)とは聴覚障がい者の事を指し、車いすテニス、ブラインドテニスや立位テニスと並ぶパラテニスの1つでルールは通常のテニスと同じです 。











The 39th Deaf Junior Tennis class in Hyogo (sponsored by NPO Deaf Tennis Japan) was held at Mukogawa Women’s University, at Ueda tennis court on December 4th. The members of the university’s tennis club played with elementary school students who are deaf. “Deaf” is used for people who are unable to hear and just like wheelchair tennis and blind tennis, deaf tennis also follows the rules just like regular tennis.


The last time the exchanged was able to take place was back in 2019, and it’s been 2 years since then due to the spread of Covid-19.


Prior to meeting the elementary school students, the MWU tennis club were given a lecture on how to handle playing deaf tennis by the staff at NPO Deaf Tennis Japan.


MWU tennis club members put on ear plugs and ear muffs to experience how it feels to play deaf tennis. They also placed eye masks to experience playing tennis without visuals and one students commented “it was a new sensation to feel the way the ball hit the racket and how conscious I was about my breathing. I realized that my performance was actually significantly affected by the information from the auditory senses that I'm not usually aware of.” Another added “not being able to hear, I concentered on my ability to see, yet it was difficult to get the feel of the atmosphere and it felt rather lonesome. I felt afraid to play without being able to see because I couldn’t get the feel of the positioning of where I stood on the court but having someone there to support me was a relief.”



Once they were done playing tennis, the MWU students took time to praise the amazing performances and the level of enthusiasm from the younger players. Furthermore, through playing tennis together they were able to connect at a level that would lead to mutual respect and understanding, and show support to para-athletes.


This initiative should give people an opportunity to gain interests and show interests in para sports. It should also hopefully work as a way for the community to cooperate and interact with each other.


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