<日本語/English> 大学院建築学研究科建築学専攻修士1年生らが、甲子園会館の装飾を実物大でスケッチしています。


Students of Mukogawa Women’s University in their first year of master’s,

drawing life-size sketches of Koshien Kaikan.


English below. 






外壁の大きなレリーフをスケッチしている池田怜さんは、直接実測できないため、写真を撮ったり、屋上から手を伸ばしたりして、全体像を把握しています。「ひし形の模様が繰り返されているなど、新しい発見ができました」。トルコからの留学生 ウルケル・イェシムさんは東スタジオのシャンデリアに注目。パーツの接合部などに注目し、手書きだけでなくCADも使って全体を表現しています。暖炉の装飾をスケッチしている大塚明日香さんは、装飾だけでなく、内部の構造にも着目し、煙道が少しずれているなど、大まかな図面でしか知りえなかった内部のなぞに迫っています。




For seasonal celebrations, the walls and pillars at Koshien Kaikan is displayed with geometric pattern decorations.


A first-year master’s student in the graduate School of Architecture has been working on a full-scale sketch of a design reminiscent of Art Deco in order to experience the world of famous architecture in the 1930s.


As you can see in some of the photographs, students are seen doing their best to accurately capture the essence of the building structure. They are pictured climbing on a ladder to reach the design of the walls high above, and tracing while being stood up. Since some areas of architectural designs weren’t measured in inches, it was crucial to pay attention to the details.


Art Deco is a popular design style characterized especially by sleek geometric or stylized forms and by the use of man-made materials. The ceiling of the building in west hall is intricately decorated in gold. First year student, Aiko Sogabe, climbs up a stepladder and puts a ruler to measure ad for the areas that are out of reach, she visually sketches. Ms. Sogabe comments “it’s interesting to see the designs up close as we don’t tend to notice the precise details that are there, like how each motif moves back and forth.”


Since Rei Ikeda, who is sketching a large section on the wall that could not be reached, she took pictures from the roof top to get an overall picture. She added “I was able to find out that the designs seen up close are in diamond patterns.”


Regarding the decorative design of Koshien Kaikan, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Shigeyuki Okazaki stated “Endo Arata, who designed it traveled to the United States with his master Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1910s, and it can be said that they had been influenced by Art Deco, which was popular at the time.”


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