<日本語/English> 尼崎市の子ども食堂のクリスマス会に本学の学生が参加し、ゲームなどで盛り上げました。


Students of Mukogawa Women’s University took part in playing games with children for the community volunteer group in Amagasaki city.


English below. 


教育学科の学生が運営に参画している、尼崎市の子ども食堂「モコモコ倶楽部」で12月16日に、クリスマス会を行いました。「モコモコ倶楽部」では2018年度から教育学科 吉井ゼミの学生が、尼崎市の支援を受けて地域住民や地域の子どもとの交流を通じて、福祉の面から子どもの居場所づくりの活動に主体的に取り組み活動しています。


また、今年度から4年間「子ども食堂の交流拠点機能研究:漢字・食育融合教材の開発と実践による教育効果の評価」という研究課題で科学研究費助成事業が採択され、日本語日本文学科、教育学科、食物栄養学科が、子ども食堂での子どもと大学生との交流を通じ、食生活向上と漢字学習の機会となる取り組みを実施しています。今回は3学科 22人の学生が参加し、漢字や食に関するゲームをしたり、自分でデザインした缶バッジを作ったりして、楽しいひと時を過ごしました。




A Christmas party was held on December 16th at the children’s community service “mokomoko club” in Amagasaki city, where student from the Department of Education are involved in. At “mokomoko club” activities and games are provided in order to create a place for children through interaction with local residents and support the welfare of the children in Amagasaki city. This movement has been an ongoing process since 2018 with students from the Department of Education and Yoshii seminar.


The Science Research Fund Grant Program was adopted for the project “Researching the function of the social exchange of community volunteering: Evaluation of the educational benefits through the development of writing and practical teaching methods.” Various departments will work in partnership to provide opportunities for improving dietary habits and on children’s learning through interaction between children and university students.


Twenty-two students from 3 different departments joined in and enjoyed the time together doing things like making and designing pin badges with the children. A student stated “it was a really valuable experience to see the children interact with each other regardless of age and come together as a unit. With another saying “designing the badges with them were so much fun, each had their own characteristics which was great, too.”


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