The final round of “KOBE Recruitment Innovation School” was held.
English below.
企業の採用活動と効果的なインターンシップを開催するための人事担当者向けの勉強会「第1期KOBE採用イノベーションスクール」(主催:武庫川女子大学、神戸市 共催:兵庫工業会)の最終回となる第5回が12月24日開催され、受講生が制作した採用ポスターのポスターセッションが行われました。
Study sessions were held for a team of HR hopefuls to create effective internships for the future. It started on October 15th and it is run by the Faculty of Business Administration Mukogawa Women’s University and co-sponsored by Hyogo Industry Association. There were 5 sessions in total until the final presentation on December 24th.
KOBE Recruitment Innovation School is hosting a series of research project aimed at improving recruitment capabilities and build to put ideas into practice and discuss new hiring methods. It also seeks to find what the strengths of internships are and what young people are attracted to in term of finding a job.
For the project, Professor Sayaka Yamashita of Faculty of Business Administration has been selected for the research. With 9 reps from medium to small enterprises from Kobe city are involved in the development. Professor Makoto Oyama from Toyama University, introduced the progress of TOYAMA Recruitment Innovation School which was founded in 2018. This was followed by an associate professor of Graduate School of Business Administration in Kobe University, Prof. Yasuhito Hattori gave a lecture on “Theory in recruitment and data”.
At the final day, a presentation of posters created by students were shown. The posters were used to explain and demonstrate the knowledge of each individuals and then given feedback from professors and spectators.