<日本語/English> 教育学科4年弓場 摩優さん(理科、金子ゼミ)が日本理科教育学会近畿支部大会で【学生賞】を受賞


A Department of Education student received an award at the SJST for Kinki Branch Conference.


English below. 


2021年度日本理科教育学会 近畿支部大会が、2021年11月27日にオンライン開催され、教育学科 金子ゼミ4年生8人全員が卒業研究で取り組んだ研究の成果を発表しました。いずれも好評でしたが、「4年理科『空気の温まり方』の実験方法の研究」を発表した弓場 摩優さんが【学生賞】を受賞しました。






A fourth year student, Mayuu Yuba has been awarded for her work on her graduate study with SJST (Society of Japan Science Teaching).


The SJST Kinki Branch conference was held online on November 27, 2021. All eight 4th year students from Kaneko Seminar in the Department of Education announced their graduation research. All of them were well received, especially for Ms. Yuba who was given the Student Award for her research on “4th year Science Experimental Methods – air and temperature”.


Ms. Yuba did an experiment on how to elevate the warmth of air, in a visually easy to a understand method. The equipment required a small transparent cage, a paper thermometer and a smartphone. The color of the paper thermometer changes when the temperature of air changes.


She devised a way of observing and recording the findings with an infrared camera that can be found on smartphones.


The research has been highly appraised by elementary, junior and high school teachers, with some commenting on how they wish to implement the experiment in their classes instantaneously.


Ms. Yuba said “it was a research that was made possible thanks to the cooperation of everyone in the seminar, so it’s good to be rewarded for it.”


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