<日本語/English> 第1回武庫女ビジネスアイデアコンテストの表彰式が2月7日、メディアホールで開かれました。


Business Idea Contest Award Ceremony held at Media Hall on February 7th.


English below.  


起業マインドを持ち、MUKOJO Visionがうたう「一生を描ききる女性力を。」を体現する学生を育てようと、教育研究社会連携推進室が主催し、女性活躍総合研究所が協賛。「私が立ち上げたい小さなビジネス」をテーマに昨年末、在学生にアイデアを募集しました。個人やグループから16件の応募があり、審査の結果、最優秀賞と2件の優秀賞が決まりました。










An award giving ceremony was held to celebrate business ideas proposed by students from various departments. The event saw 16 students as well as those in groups and 4 professors who acted as judges up on the podium.


The most praised award went to Momoka Okazaki, a second year student from Business Administration who came up with the idea of “Forota – make things you love barrier-free”. It’s a product in which people with disabilities can enjoy music at concerts with peace of mind. It’s designed for people that have difficulties with a certain level of noise and it’s an earpiece that looks presentable too. This was highly evaluated for its ability to capture its appeal from a marketing perspective and mold it into business.


Ms. Okazaki commented “there are a large number of individuals who are not able to enjoy live performances because they struggle with sounds that are too loud. So I thought that there is a big market there, and I want to expand on ideas from matters that can lead to future businesses.”


President Seguchi, who served as the chairman of the judging committee, said, “Each idea presented has a consumer’s perspective and excellent sensibility, and there is an apparent effort made on solving social issues through business. For future reference, please consider and conduct research for proposals that contribute to society.”



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