<日本語/English> 第58回体育祭が5月14日スタート。3年ぶり一部対面で実施しました。


The Sports Festival held for the first time in 3 years on the weekend of May 14th.


English below. 


第58回武庫川女子大学体育祭(主催:学友会・体育祭実行委員会)が「Get over it-限界の向こう側-」をスローガンで5月14日、始まりました。15日まで対面とオンラインのハイブリッドで開催します。


武庫川女子大学の体育祭は学生が組織する学友会の「体育祭実行委員会」が主催し、1965年から続く伝統行事です。コロナ禍のため2020年度は中止となり、2021年度はオンラインのみで開催。観客を入れての開催は、3年ぶりとなりました。講堂では観客数を絞って、You Tubeで学内限定のライブ配信も行います。







With the slogan of “Beyond the limit – Get over it”, the 58th Mukogawa Women’s University Sports Festival was hosted in a hybrid of in person and on streamed live.


The custom of holding the Sports Festival has been run by the student led Executive Committee since 1995. Rise in Covid-19 cases resulted in withdrawal of the event in 2020, followed by online streaming in 2021. It’s the first time in 3 years to have spectators come to watch live performances on stage. At the Koe Memorial Auditorium, the number of audience was restricted with a live streaming on YouTube limited for students of the university.


The student committee leader Ms. Nagisa Nagahara explains “I’m so grateful to be able to have the festival to real life audiences again. Just like the slogan, I hope this festival reaches its potential and reaches the hearts of many.” Performances by aerobic dance club, baton and cheerleading club and dance club all got up on the stage, followed by recitals by groups of students from various departments.


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