<日本語/English>「第13回 関空発『学生と旅行会社でつくる』海外旅行企画」で教育学科3年河田さんが優秀賞を受賞!


Ms. Kawada, a third year student of Department of Education, presented with Excellence Award for her work on overseas travel plan.


English below. 


教育学科3年河田光生さんが、6月25日、関西空港展望ホールで開催された「第13回 関空発『学生と旅行会社でつくる』海外旅行企画」(主催:一般社団法人日本旅行業協会(通称JATA)関西支部、関西エアポート株式会社)で優秀賞を受賞しました。


昨年度後期に開講された教育学科の国際教育関連科目である「世界の子どもたち」(今村一博教授担当)の授業において、「国際教育」の内容を含めた海外旅行を企画する課題が出され、河田さんの旅行企画は、クラスの学生間評価で高い評価を受けました。河田さんは、今村教授の指導を経て同コンテストに応募し、「インドネシアの人々にmiso soupを届けよう!」と題した旅行企画が、応募のあった43団体(個人)の中から7団体のファイナリストに選ばれました。






The honor obtained by Ms. Kawada was for her ideas on planning for overseas travels. The contest entitled “Overseas Travel Planning Project with students and Travel Agencies” hosted by Kansai International Airport. The award giving ceremony was held at KIX Observation Hall on June 25th in association with JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents).


JATA Kansai Branch and Kansai Airport Co., Ltd. are soliciting unique overseas travel plans from students. The aim of this contest is not just to compete for travel plans, but to foster travel ideas and products with experts from that field based on the plans submitted. Outstanding projects from among the applicants can be an experience like no other for the students and schools taking part.


As a part of ongoing project since last year, the topic of “international education” has been the focus in a class led by Professor Imamura. The class consisted of preparing for trips abroad, where Ms. Kawada’s work came to attention. Ms. Kawada, who applied for the contest under the guidance of her teacher, were selected as one of the 7 finalists out of the 43 groups to enroll the contest for her travel plan entitled “Let’s deliver miso soup to the people of Indonesia!”.


For the finalist of the contest, a travel agency is paired to support and assist in planning, and for Ms. Kawada, H.I.S. Co., Ltd. is in charge of working alongside her.


Ms. Kawada, who dreams of becoming a kindergarten teacher, says “although it was challenging at times, I was able to find joy in making plans for oversea travels associated with international studies.” Professor Imamura added “I hope through projects like these we are able to nurture and promote to cultivate teachers that can have a wider, more globalized perspective of the world and pass that on to the next generation.”


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