<日本語/English>「武庫女ステーションキャンパスと 鳴尾エリアマネジメント連絡会」が 「2022年度グッドデザイン賞」を受賞しました


Mukogawa Women’s University Station Campus and Naruo Area Management Liasion Committee were decorated with Good Design Award 2022.

English below. 






「武庫女ステーションキャンパス」の開設をきっかけとして、学校法人武庫川学院(大河原量学院長)、阪神電気鉄道株式会社(秦雅夫代表取締役社長)が中心となり、2020年、地元企業とともに「鳴尾エリアマネジメント連絡会」※が発足。駅周辺の良好な環境やエリア価値の維持・向上を目指し、大学と企業、地域が連携してコミュニティ形成に寄与する仕組みを整備するとともに、ミニコミ誌「なるお通信」の発行や、SNS等による情報発信、賑わい創出のための「鳴尾ふれあいイベント 2022」の開催など、ソフト面の充実をはかってきました。







受賞対象名 地域活性化への取り組み【武庫女ステーションキャンパスと鳴尾エリアマネジメント連絡会】

事業主体名 鳴尾エリアマネジメント連絡会

分類    コミュニティづくりの取り組み・活動

受賞企業  学校法人武庫川学院(兵庫県)








Mukojo Station Campus (MSC) was designed as a place for community symbiosis under the overpass of Naruo / Mukogawa Women’s University station. Through the efforts of the Naruo Area Management Liaison Committee, which is responsible for creating liveliness in the town in cooperation with local companies such as Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd. the award was accomplished.


MSC was established in October 2019 as an extension campus to Mukogawa Women’s University.  As soon as you exit the station, you’ll be welcomed by Lavy’s Café named after the character of Mukogawa Women’s University, then as you go further into the campus, you’ll see a lecture room, a broadcasting studio, Minato bank, and a student friendly Shiru Café that serves drinks limited to the university students. On to the east side of the station, there’s a family friendly supermarket, that serves the community well with it being in such a close proximity to the station.


One judge who served on the panel of the Good Design Award 2022 commented “with the national birthrate at a decline and the aging population, branding of university becomes an imperative issue. In the past, measures were put in place of appointing well known designers and architects in creating a strong logo or something that was prolific.  Seeing that MSC operates in such a close proximity of a station offers such a drastic opportunities for collaboration between industry and academia while still contributing and coexisting with the community. This reinforces the local communal livelihood of where the students also reside in and thereby demonstrates in restoration of the town development. It is a design that will serve as an index for university branding in the future.”


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