The student advisors in the Operations Department is in the midst of activation.
English below.
森 美優さん (日本語日本文学科3年)
相田 夏奈さん (生活環境学科4年)
村井 陽香さん (生活環境学科4年)
森本 みなみさん(食物栄養学科3年)
平田 愛香さん (看護学科1年)
日髙 こなみさん(薬学科3年)
The Operations Division launched the Student Advisor System in October 2022. As a department responsible for auxiliary projects closely related to the student lifestyle, for both the faculty and staff too, the Division launched and recruited a "Student Advisor System" to reflect the real voices of students in the operation of the concession stand and cafeteria.
As a result of an open recruitment process, six student advisors have been appointed.
The six students belong to various departments and are in different grades, thus proving it a challenge for all to get together, but they are working together via online meetings as well as in-person meetings.
They quickly made revisions to the division's homepage on the institute's website based on advice from a "student's perspective," such as "It is not clear what the division does, so it would be better to describe it as a 'division (store, cafeteria, etc.). In addition, we are also providing advice on the ongoing renovation of the division's website, rules for managing publicity activities on social networking services (SNS) such as Twitter and Instagram, and consideration of the cafeteria menu and original goods that students would like to eat.
They will begin to use social media as a form of communication with the public.