English below.
6月29~30日にハンガリーのブタペストで開催された国際大会「新体操国際トーナメント ゲテオンカップ」(主催:ハンガリー新体操連盟)に、新体操部の鈴木菜巴さん(健康・スポーツ科学科1年)が出場。種目別でフープ2位、ボール3位、リボン3位になり、3つのメダルを獲得しました。鈴木さんは日本体操協会の強化選手で、7月のユニバーシアードでは日本代表にも決定しています。
Rhythmic Gymnastics Club member Naruha Suzuki (1st year, Health and Sports Science) winning medals at international competitions.
Rhythmic Gymnastics Club member Naruha Suzuki (1st year, Health and Sports Science) participated in the International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament Getheon Cup (hosted by the Gymnastics Federation of Hungary) held in Budapest, Hungary, on June 29th to 30th. She placed 2nd in hoop, 3rd in ball, and 3rd in ribbon, winning three medals in each event. Ms. Suzuki is a member of the Japan Gymnastics Association and will represent Japan at the FISU World Uinversity Games in July.
Regarding her performance, Ms. Suzuki commented, "Thank you very much for all your support. I will apply what I learned from this competition and practice hard so that I can do better in the next competition."