

English below. 








授業を実施した食物栄養学科3年 江原佑香さんと内田晴菜さんは「小学校で授業を行うことは初めてでしたが、子どもの反応を見ながら授業を行うことはとても楽しく、また、栄養教諭の先生の授業を身近に見ることができ、大変勉強になりました。教育学科の先生、食物栄養学科の先生、栄養教諭の先生との意見交換や指導案作成等を体験でき、貴重な体験ができました。今後この体験を活かしていきたいと思います」と話しています。


The University's Department of Education, the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition and Nishinomiya City Uegahara-Minami Elementary School collaborated to provide a dietary education class for fifth-year students at the Uegahara-Minami Elementary School on 5th of March.


The main theme was 'Let's make it a goal to chew and eat well'. The third-year students of the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, who aim to become registered dietitians, received guidance from Associate Professor Yuji Fujimoto of the Department of Education on how to promote nutrition education at school and how to prepare a teaching plan in advance, and developed their teaching plan during a rehearsal of the lesson with the dietitian.


At the elementary school, the fourth-year students of the Kobayashi Laboratory of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition displayed the nutritionally educational posters they had created as part of their graduation research as a preliminary study, to raise the children's awareness of the day's activities. At the end of the class, the children decided on their own behavioral goals, such as “savoring their school lunch" and "chewing their food 10 times at first, and then 15 times when they get used to it".


Yuka Ehara and Haruna Uchida, third-year students of the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, who conducted the class, commented: 'It was the first time for me to conduct a class at an elementary school, but I really enjoyed conducting the class while observing the reactions of the children, and I also learnt a lot from watching the dietitians' classes up close. It was a valuable experience for me to exchange opinions and prepare teaching plans with teachers from the Department of Education, the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition and dietitians. I hope to make use of this experience in the future."


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