

English below. 
















The characters "Patch" and "Migo," designed by Ami Sasai, a fourth-year student in the Itami Seminar of the Department of Environmental Sciences, were produced and launched at the Toyonaka Green Sports Center. The two adorable characters have recently begun appearing at events throughout Toyonaka City. Last year, Ms. Sasai designed a cherry blossom fairy and other characters for an original picture book promoting the charms of Ashiya City, and she is an "expert in character creation."
The Itami Laboratory has been supporting the Toyonaka Green Sports Center since 2020 to make it a "plaza where everyone can work as a team and enjoy physical activities together." We decided to create and utilize a new character to extend the center's unique approach to other sports facilities and to expand the enjoyment of physical activity.

Considering local characteristics such as the Kanzaki River that runs nearby, Ms. Sasai attempted to design several "water fairies" based on an arrangement of water droplets, but the design selection process was difficult. Then, she added the enoki tree, the center's symbolic tree, to the motif, incorporating its leaves and berries into the clothes and hood, and asked for opinions at workshops and other events, which were very well received. After repeated adjustments, such as making their cheeks red, two colorful and cute fairies were born.

 "Patch" wears a hood of leaves and is energetic and loves to move around, while "Migo" wears a hood of enoki nuts and is warmhearted and loves to interact with people of all kinds. They were both born in Kanzaki River and make the enoki tree at the Green Sports Center their home. In January this year, they made silhouettes of the characters into ema (traditional Japanese picture horses) and asked visitors to write their wishes on them, or made parts of the characters' faces and played fukuwarai with them. The outline of Patch and Migo's face was painted at the entrance to the center's "Mitsubo-no-Hana" exchange center, which has become a popular photo spot.


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