

English below. 


武庫川女子大学経営学部谷口ゼミ(谷口浩二助教)の学生が作成に参加した三重県多気町の公式観光ガイドブック「だから 多気にきた!」(vol.3)が発刊されました。






「だから 多気にきた!」(vol.3)は、20㌻。東京ドーム24個分の広大な敷地にホテル、薬草湯、産直市場、飲食店舗などからなる大型商業リゾート施設「VISON(ヴィソン)」や町のおすすめポイントなどを学生たちが紹介しています。谷口助教は、「ヴィソンには多くの人が訪れていますが、多気町には魅力的な古来の観光スポットがたくさんあり、この観光ガイドブックを通じて、多くの方に知ってもらえればと考えています」と話しています。




The official tourist guidebook of the town of Taki, Mie Prefecture, which students of the Taniguchi Seminar (Assistant Professor Koji Taniguchi) of the School of Business Administration at Mukogawa Women's University took part in producing, "The reason why I came to Taki!“ (vol. 3) has been published.


 In September 2023, the University and the town of Taki ( concluded an agreement on comprehensive cooperation with the aim of mutually cooperating in regional development, the promotion of education, culture and industry, and the development of human resources, and contributing to the development of regional society and the improvement of education and research.


“The reason why I came to Taki!” (vol. 3) is 20 pages long. The students introduce the town's best points of interest and a large-scale commercial resort facility 'Vison', which is 24 times the size of the Tokyo Dome and includes a hotel, an herb bath, a produce market, restaurants and other facilities. Assistant Professor Taniguchi says: "Many people visit Vison, but Taki Town has many attractive ancient sightseeing spots, and we hope that many people will learn about them through this tourist guidebook.”


A representative of the town of Taki added: "The students involved in the production of the town's official tourist guidebook were able to accurately grasp our intentions and responded quickly and willingly to our urgent requests. Thanks to their efforts, a highly interesting and appealing guide has been produced. We hope that this guide will help to convey the town's attractions to as many people as possible".


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