

English below.


 生活環境学科の片岡舞優さん(3年)、村下友風さん(3年)、吉元美夏さん(2年)、生活造形学科の久米凜菜さん(2年)、佐栁舞音さん(2年)が5月5日に芦屋市で開催された一般社団法人カワイク介護主催「UNIVERSAL KAWAII」のファッションショー「MAKE OVER MAGIC」(会場:芦屋モノリス)にボランティアとして参加。衣装製作・ドレスリメイク・ショー当日の着付けなどを行いました。





  Mayu Kataoka (3rd year), Yuuka Murashita (3rd year), and Mika Yoshimoto (2nd year) from the School of Human Environmental Sciences, and Rinna Kume (2nd year) and Mao Sanagi (2nd year) also volunteered at the “UNIVERSAL KAWAII” fashion show “MAKE OVER MAGIC” (Venue: Ashiya Monolith) held in Ashiya City on May 5.

 The event was held under the concept of “Kawaii x Fashionable via Ashiya will save the world” with the aim of “Mutual understanding of diverse societies such as nursing care, people who face physical and mental difficulties, and LGBTQ from the perspective of kawaii. The event featured a fashion show, as well as a variety of exhibits, experiences, and sales related to universal design. Aya Kusumoto, a graduate of the University and representative director of Kawaii Care, requested cooperation of Mishokai, and through the Center for the Promotion of Social Collaboration, students from the Department of Living Environment and Life Design, and Executive Director Izumi Yamamoto, a professor, volunteered to take part in the fashion show.

 Participating students Ms. Kataoka and Ms. Yoshimoto commented, “Although it was our first time and we were limited for time, we had a lot of fun making the clothes. On the day of the show, I was able to experience the work of professional makeup and hair artists whom I saw up close for the first time, the flurry of activity and tension right before the show, and the dialogue with the models, all of which were extremely valuable experiences for me. The models looked so happy every time their makeup, outfits, and hair were completed. The families watching the show also had big smiles on their faces, and I was happy to be involved in an event where I could witness so much joy. It was a very precious experience for me to be able to feel the unique atmosphere that could only exist on that day, at that time, and in that space. I will forever treasure this experience, and I hope to carry it on into the future.

 The Yomiuri Shimbun and the Yomiuri Shimbun Online reported on the event on May 6.


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