

English below. 


明治2年に設立され、155年の歴史をもつインターナショナル・クラブである神戸・北野の神戸倶楽部で国際セミナー「AN AFTERNOON OF JAPAN OPTIMISM, KOBE CULTURE AND NOBEL DISCUSSIONS」が開催されました。セミナーには本学生活環境学科の三宅正弘教授をはじめ、ジョン・アルカイヤ氏(ディメンショナル・ジャパンCEO)、ノーベル経済学賞受賞のロバート・C・マートン教授、経済学者のイェスパー・コール氏、一橋大学の本多俊毅教授の5名が出演しました。




"AN AFTERNOON OF JAPAN OPTIMISM, KOBE CULTURE AND NOBEL DISCUSSIONS," an international seminar was held at the Kobe Club in Kitano, Kobe, an international club established in 1869 and with a 155-year history. The seminar featured five speakers, including Professor Masahiro Miyake of the University's Department of Human Environmental Sciences, Mr. John Arcaya (CEO of Dimensional Japan), Professor Robert C. Merton, Nobel Prize winner in economics, economist Jesper Koll, and Professor Toshiki Honda of Hitotsubashi University.

Professor Merton led a discussion on diversified investments, while Mr. Jesper discussed finance and science, among other topics. In his discussion with Mr. Arcaya, Professor Miyake developed a topic focusing on the culture brought about by Kobe's economy, saying, "I was able to gain a perspective on how to create a system where hometown taxes and other taxes are not for consumption, but for investment in the community and education."



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