

English below. 




6月30日にパリ五輪代表選考会を兼ねて行われた日本陸上競技選手権大会最終日、女子走り幅跳びで、本学陸上部OGの秦澄美鈴さん(住友電工所属、2019年度健康・スポーツ科学部 健康・スポーツ科学科卒業)が6メートル56で優勝を果たし、パリオリンピックの代表に内定しました。秦さんは日本陸上競技選手権大会で4連覇。オリンピック出場は初めてです。


棒高跳 森田 彩(2020院卒業)第4位   

走幅跳 秦 澄美鈴(2019卒業)優勝 パリ五輪代表内定  

三段跳 齋藤 遥(2023院卒業)第5位   

三段跳 船田  茜理(大学院健康・スポーツ科学研究科2年)第2位

U20 棒高跳  鈴木  彩生(薬学部1年)第3位

U20 三段跳  菅野  未久瑠(健康・スポーツ科学部2年)第8位


The 108th Japan Athletics Championships and the 40th U20 Japan Athletics Championships were held at Denka Big Swan Stadium in Niigata City from June 27th to 30th, and Mukogawa Women's University athletes, including graduate Misuzu Hata, achieved great successes.

On June 30th, the final day of the Japan Track and Field Championships, which also served as the preliminary round for the Paris Olympics, Mukogawa Women's University track and field club alumna Misuzu Hata (Sumitomo Electric; 2019 graduate of Department of Health and Sports Science) won the women's long jump with a jump of 6m 56, and was selected as a representative for the Paris Olympics. Ms. Hata won the Japan Athletics Championships for the fourth year in a row.

While in school, Ms. Hata was a member of the Track and Field Club, where she achieved many good results at the All-Japan student level in the high jump and long jump, and was awarded the President Okawara Prize.


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