

English below. 


トルコ・イスタンブールのバフチェシヒル大学から短期留学生受け入れプログラム「ICSA in Japan」で来日した留学生8人が、建築学部の学生たちに混じり、授業に参加しています。





「ICSA in Japan」プログラムは2009年から建築学部で実施していますが、コロナ禍でオンライン開催に。今年、5年ぶりに対面での実施となりました。留学生は一人一台の製図机のある恵まれた武庫川女子大学のスタジオで、約1か月、建築学科と景観建築学科に分かれて演習中心の授業に参加します。また、京都や兵庫の建築を見て回り、日本の建築の良さや文化を体感します。留学生たちは「ここでは実践的な勉強ができている」と張り切って授業に臨んでいます。


一方、日本の修士課程の大学院生らは「ICSA in Istanbul」でトルコの宮殿の修復現場等を訪れ、文化財の保存修復等について学んでいます。同じくコロナ禍ではオンライン開催となっていましたが、昨年度から対面で再開しています。


Eight international students from Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul, Turkey, who came to Japan under the short-term international student acceptance programme 'ICSA in Japan', joined the students of the School of Architecture and joined their classes.


 On 4th of July, four Turkish students worked on ikebana with first-year architecture students at the Koshien Kaikan. In a class designed to hone their sensitivity to the beauty of space, the students learnt about the three styles of Misei-ryu Sasaoka, and then used chrysanthemums and Abura-dodan-tsutsuji as materials, cutting branches and inserting flowers into a kenzan. They completed their works with a serious expression on their faces while watching the balance between the flowers and the branches. Ms. Dalan, who is studying architecture in Turkey, said: 'This was my first time doing ikebana. It was difficult to arrange the branches, but thanks to the support of my friends and the guidance of the teacher, it was an enjoyable experience".


 In the urban design class, two international students came up with a townscape under the theme of 'Creating a townscape with a rich landscape in Tidal Ashiya'. During their stay, they will make drawings and models, compile their proposals and make presentations.


The 'ICSA in Japan' program has been running at the School of Architecture since 2009, but it is now held online. This year, for the first time in five years, it was held face-to-face. For approximately one month, international students take part in exercise-oriented classes in the studios of Mukogawa Women's University, which are blessed with one drafting desk for each student, and are divided into two departments: the Department of Architecture and the Department of Landscape Architecture. They also visit Kyoto and Hyogo to experience the quality of Japanese architecture and culture. The international students are enthusiastic about their classes, saying that they are able to study in a practical way here.


 Meanwhile, Japanese master's course graduate students are learning about the conservation and restoration of cultural assets by visiting the restoration sites of Turkish palaces in the ICSA in Istanbul.


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