国分太一さんを特別講師に迎え、 環境共生学部開設記念シンポジウム「地球がよろこぶ明日をつくる―”環境共生”という約束―」を開催しました


English below. 







第2部では「環境と共生~人は地球のために何ができるのか~」と題し、国分さんをはじめ、国立環境研究所 生物多様性領域副領域長で環境共生学部長就任予定の青野光子さん、環境共生学部環境共生学科長就任予定の來海徹太郎教授、株式会社モンベル代表取締役会長兼CEO 辰野勇さんがパネルディスカッション。フリーアナウンサーの八木早希さんの進行で、「自然と地球環境のいま」「期待される研究分野」などをテーマに、環境共生のための課題と期待を語り合いました。







A symposium commemorating the opening of the School of Environment and Sustainability, entitled ‘Creating a tomorrow where the earth is happy - the promise of “Environment and Sustainability”’, was held at Mukogawa Women's University's Koe Memorial Auditorium on 21st of July with guest lecturer Taichi Kokubun from ‘TOKIO’. The event was attended by about 2,000 people.


The School of Environment and Sustainability is the 13th School of Mukogawa Women's University, which will open in April 2025. The symposium was held prior to the opening of the new school in order to mark the significance of its establishment and the features of its learning widely known.


In the first part of the symposium, Mr Kokubun gave a ‘What I learnt through on-site fieldwork’ lecture.


 The second half was entitled ‘Environment and Sustainability- What can people do for the Earth?' in a panel discussion. Facilitated by freelance broadcaster Saki Yagi, the panel discussed issues and expectations for environmental symbiosis under themes such as ‘Nature and the global environment today’ and ‘promising research fields’.


In response to Kokubun's lecture, Professor Kimachi commented: “I was very impressed by Kokubun's beaming gaze as he talked about his fieldwork and research. He introduced the features of the School of Environment and Sustainability, which aims to solve problems through projects based on fieldwork, as well as its diverse research fields. We hope to welcome students that are just as motivated and eager in creating a sustainable future together.” Ms. Aono gave a presentation on the ‘environmental stress tolerance mechanisms in plants’, which she is currently researching. She explained how she is exploring ways to increase the number of ozone-tolerant plants, based on the fact that certain proteins are increased in plants that are tolerant to ozone and other stresses, and conveyed the interest and appeal of her research.


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