

English below. 


武庫川女子大学が大会パートナーとして支援する第28回全国高等学校女子硬式野球大会(主催:全国高等学校女子硬式野球連盟 / 丹波市)の準決勝までが7月20日から28日、丹波市と淡路市で行われ、健康・スポーツ科学科の中堀ゼミが、大会期間中、丹波会場でコンディションサポートブースを開設しました。決勝戦は8月3日に阪神甲子園球場で行われます。




The semi-finals of the 28th National High School Girls Baseball Tournament (organized by the National High School Girls Baseball Federation / Tamba City), which Mukogawa Women's University supports as a tournament partner, were held from July 20th to 28th in Tamba and Awaji City, with the Nakahori Seminar of the Department of Health and Sports Science taking part at the Tamba venue during the tournament. A condition support booth was set up. The final match will be held on August 3rd at Hanshin Koshien Stadium.


The University has been supporting the 'Koshien for Women' since the final of the high school girls' baseball tournament was staged at the Hanshin Koshien Stadium in 2021, and has been named as a tournament partner since last year.


The students called on athletes who had finished their games to check for dehydration, provided guidance on water debt during games, and assessed the vitals of athletes who were unwell due to heat exhaustion. The project is used as an opportunity to explore ways of solving the health issues of female athletes and creating more comfortable sporting events for women.


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