バスケットボール部が台湾で開催された国際招待試合「佛光杯(FO GUANG CUP 2024)」で優勝しました。


English below. 


武庫川女子大学バスケットボール部(健康・スポーツ科学科坂井ヘッドコーチ、石黒アシスタントコーチ、学生スタッフ2名、学生プレイヤー13名)が、7月22日〜7月28日の7日間、台湾(高雄)で開催された大学バスケットの国際招待試合「佛光杯(FO GUANG CUP 2024)」で優勝しました。




武庫川女子大学は予選リーグB組で、アメリカ Oklahoma Baptist University(NCAA Division Ⅱ 所属)、オーストラリアBrian Kerle Basketball Academy、台湾師範大学(National Taiwan Normal University)に3戦全勝して予選リーグB組1位で準決勝に進出。準決勝では予選リーグA組2位のフィリピン国家大学(National University)に勝利、決勝では予選リーグA組1位の佛光大学(Fo Guang University)に勝利して優勝しました。









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The Mukogawa Women's University Basketball Club (Head Coach Sakai, Assistant Coach Ishiguro, 2 student staff and 13 student players from the Department of Health and Sports Science) won the FO GUANG CUP, a 7-day international university basketball tournament held in Taiwan from July 22nd to July 28 2024.


 The FO GUANG CUP is an invitational tournament that started in 2010, with eight men's and eight women's teams each from the USA, Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan.


Mukogawa Women's University won all three games in the Preliminary League B against Oklahoma Baptist University (NCAA Division II affiliate) from the USA, Brian Kerle Basketball Academy from Australia and National Taiwan Normal The team won all three games against Oklahoma Baptist University (NCAA Division II affiliate) from the USA, Brian Kerle Basketball Academy from Australia and National Taiwan Normal University to advance to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals, they defeated National University of the Philippines (2nd in Preliminary League A) and in the finals, they won the championship with a victory over Fo Guang University (1st in Preliminary League A).


In the individual awards, Nwaedozi Favour Onyinye, a second-year student of Health and Sports Science, won the Best Player Award (MVP), while Nagisa Maku, a fourth-year student of Health and Sports Science and captain of the team, won the Outstanding Player Award.


Although this year's tournament was hit by Typhoon No. 3 and the games were cancelled on the fourth day of the tournament, the week-long exchange with basketball players from all over the world was a very valuable experience for the students. The students would like to make use of this experience to further develop towards their goals for this season: winning the Kansai Women's Basketball League, which starts in September, and reaching the top four in the All-Japan University Basketball Championships in December.


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