

English below. 








本学は2022年度から毎年参加しており、今年も複数のプログラムに参加しました。ICTの活用方法をテーマに高校12校と大学3校がプレゼンで競う「DIS STEAMゼミ」には、社会情報学科福井ゼミの学生たちが参加。耳に装着して生徒の脳波やバイタルサインを読み取り、挙手せず質問ができたり、体調不良を教員にいち早く知らせたりできる近未来型のイヤーフックを提案し、注目を集めました。








The Nikkei STEAM 2024 Symposium, a series of learning festivals specializing in STEAM education (hosted by the Osaka headquarters of Nikkei Inc.), was held on July 30th at ATC Hall in Suminoe-ku, Osaka City, and attracted about 900 people, mostly high school students. Faculty members and students from the Department of Social Informatics and the Department of Psychology from Mukogawa Women's University participated. At a designated booth, three faculty members, including Professor Tetsutaro Koromi, who will be appointed to the School of Environment and Sustainability, which will open in April 2025, conveyed the appeal of the new school to the high school students.


 The Nikkei STEAM Symposium is held annually for high school and university students from Japan and abroad to think about and discuss topics such as the frontiers of research, ICT, and the global environment.


In addition to six universities from four foreign countries, 38 high schools from the Kansai area in Japan participated, including schools in Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Nara, Tokushima, and Ehime. Five schools from the Kanto region also joined in person and online.


At the interactive area, two psychology experiments conducted by the Department of Psychology, "Mirror Reflection Depiction" and "Kanji Maze Task," were very popular, with high school students lining up to try them. In addition, two student PR staff members covered the "Digital Art Exhibition & Presentation" as the "Student Reporting Team.


 Many high school students are interested in science and math subjects and environmental issues, and the "School of Environment and Sustainability" booth was continuously visited by high school students, with about 80 students listening to an explanation of the new faculty on that day alone. The three faculty members were on full duty throughout the day, including at another table where they gave explanations when there were not enough seats at the booth due to the long line of high school students.


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