「第40回 武庫川学院 英語オラトリカルコンテスト」の本選大会が開催されました。


English below. 


「第40回 武庫川学院 英語オラトリカルコンテスト」の本選大会が11月16日、武庫川女子大学附属中学・高等学校 AV1教室で開催されました。




大学・短大の部の優勝は安川琴美さん(文学部英語グローバル学科3年・英語特別クラス 写真2枚目) の“Live in the Peaceful World”。準優勝は田中温香さん(文学部英語グローバル学科4年 写真3枚目) の“Loneliness”が獲得しました。




1. 英語グローバル学科4年 久保 芽依  Work to Live
2. 英語グローバル学科4年 田中 温香  Loneliness
3. 英語グローバル学科4年 岡本 紗甫  Wear What You Are
4. 英語グローバル学科2年 枝松 美帆  Own Choice
5. 英語グローバル学科2年 平岡 ひなの How to Be a Leader
6. 英語グローバル学科3年 安川 琴美  Live in the Peaceful World


The 40th Mukogawa Gakuin English Oratorical Contest was held on November 16 in the AV1 classroom of Mukogawa Women's University Junior and Senior High School. This year marked the 40th anniversary of the contest, which has become widely established as a school event to showcase the achievements of daily English learning.

The junior high school contestants were judged on their English recitation, while the high school and university/junior college contestants were judged on their English speeches. In the university and junior college division, six students who passed the preliminary screening and on-campus qualifying rounds competed. In the final round, two faculty members from the Department of English and Global Studies and two English teachers from the junior high and senior high schools judged the contest, and the winners and runners-up in each division were decided.

 The winner of the university/junior college division was Kotomi Yasukawa (3rd year, English Global Studies, School of Letters, ACE Class, 2nd photo) with her entry “Live in the Peaceful World”. Professor Toshihiro Shimizu of the Department of English and Global Studies (English Speech and Presentation Laboratory), who chaired the judging committee, said at the awards ceremony, “For 40 years, many participants and people involved have supported this annual event. Let's continue to make the 50th, 100th, and beyond even more exciting together,” he said in English, and the venue was filled with applause.


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