


Cheering on the athletes of MWU at Tokyo 2020.

English below. 


 東京オリンピックには、本学水泳部の荒井祭里選手(健康・スポーツ科学科3年)と体操部の杉原愛子選手(短期大学部健康・スポーツ学科2年)が出場しています。本学在学生のオリンピック出場は1988 年のソウルオリンピック以来 33 年ぶり。在学中 2 人が同時に出場するのは初めてです。


 27日は荒井選手が出場する「女子シンクロ高飛び込み」と杉原選手が出場する「体操女子団体」の各決勝が行われ、それぞれの試合時間帯に2人が所属する水泳部、体操部の部長、コーチ、部員ら仲間たちが、中央キャンパス内に設けた会場でテレビの中継を見ながら応援し、同時にメディアからのZoom での取材を受けました。









The team mates and coaches of Ms. Sugihara and Ms. Matsuri showed their support through the screens spectating whilst being on Zoom. Once the events were over, the club coaches and club mates were asked some questions in a press conference via Zoom by a selection of media.  More than 20 television and newspaper media organizations took part in the Zoom conference


It’s the first time since the 1988 Seoul Olympics for Mukogawa Women’s University to have a student compete in the games. Furthermore, it’s the very first time for more than one student from Mukogawa Women’s University to compete at one time.



The competitions sadly did not land them with medals, however the two athletes put up a good fight. Ms. Arai, placed 6th in synchronized dive, while Ms. Sugihara and her team was placed 5th  place.


Ms. Arai will carry on with her individual competition on August 4th, the event will decide whether she’ll qualify for the final round on the 5th.


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