<日本語/English> 武庫川女子大学甲子園会館がテレビ東京系列の番組「新美の巨人たち」(9月18日放送)に登場します。


Mukogawa Women’s University’s Kami Koshien campus to be aired on September 18th with T.V Tokyo.


English below. 













■番組名   新美の巨人たち フランク・ロイド・ライト「ヨドコウ迎賓館」兵庫

■放送局   テレビ東京系列

■放送日時  9月18日(土)22:00~22:30


■放送局   BSテレ東

■放送日時  9月25日(土)24:00~24:30


At 10 o’clock (JST time) on the evening of September 18th the Kami Koshien campus will make an appearance in a Tokyo baesd T.V programme “beautiful giants”.


The topic of the broadcast on this day is “Frank Lloyd Wright - Yodoko Guest House x Yuki Uchida.”


The Yodoko Guest House (formerly Yamamura Taizaemon Bettei) in Ashiya city was sketched by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) who is known to be one of the three great masters of modern architecture. The Yodoko Guest House was designed by Shin Endo and Shin Nanshin, who were brothers with high- ranking profiles. It has been designated as a cultural property of national importance and has been added as a candidate for the World Heritage “Frank Lloyd Wright’s 20th Century Architectural Works.”


The building of Kami Koshien campus is referred to as Koshien Kaikan, and it used to be the Koshien Hotel. The hotel opened in 1930. Back then the title “Imperial Hotel in the east. Koshien Hotel in the west.” was given for it. Shin Endo was in charge of the design, and Nanshin was in charge of the method of strength design. Once Wright was given the photo of completed design, he praised Endo by saying “it’s a wonderful piece of work.”


For those reasons above, the Koshien Kaikan has a strong connection with Yodoko Guest House through the Shin brothers. The interview for this broadcast came to light since the building was said to be one of the representative of Wright-style architecture. In this program, an actress Yuki Uchida will play a part as an art enthusiast to explore the secrets of Wright’s architecture designs.


Please enjoy the show.



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