<日本語/English> 令和3年度ダイバーシティ推進センター女性研究者賞が決定し、本学から2名が受賞しました


Receiving the Women’s Researcher Award from the Diversity Promotion Center.

English below.

令和3年度ダイバーシティ推進センター女性研究者賞の受賞者が決定し、本学から看護学部の師岡友紀准教授と薬学部の仁木洋子准教授が受賞しました。9月16日に、本学図書館グローバルスタジオで授賞式があり、女性活躍総合研究所 高橋享子所長より表彰状が授与されました。



【令和3年度ダイバーシティ推進センター女性研究者賞 受賞者と研究課題】
看護学部     師岡 友紀 准教授
薬学部      仁木 洋子 准教授




Professors Yuki Morooka from Faculty of Nursing, and Yoko Niki from Faculty of Pharmacy were both awarded for their research in their respective fields. A celebratory ceremony was held at the university’s main campus library on September 16th and a certification of commendation was presented by director Keiko Takahashi of the Research Institute for the Advancement of Women.


The Human Resources Development Expense Subsidy Project by MEXT adopted “Diversity Research Environment Recognition Initiative” in 2019. Along with a collaborative school, Nara Women’s University, Mukogawa Women’s University has been in search of awarding female researchers who are expected to make progress in their research in the future for their excellent research achievements, with the purpose of improving the research capabilities of female researchers.


Professor Morooka noted for future aspirations “I believe that throughout the years, I have built on my research little by little and that’s why I am where I am at today. With the support of the research funds, I consider it a big step forward towards constructing a foundation for leading research in areas that have not been accomplished yet.  


Faculty of Pharmacy professor, Ms, Niki added “I plan on leading a research on producing anti-aging cosmetics that’ll prevent the aging of skin by using materials obtained from trees that grow naturally in the Tamba region. The research fund will be a huge help and it’ll allow me to continue my examination on skin cell maintenance and on the use of reagents.”


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