<日本語/English> 島根県・三瓶山の天然水を使用 武庫川女子大学ブランドのペットボトル水、発売


We’re launching our own brand of bottled water sourced from Mt. Sanbe in Shimane prefecture.


English below. 






山陰クボタ水道用材株式会社の協力により、「さひめの泉」をもとに500mlのペットボトルを大学オリジナルパッケージで発売することが実現しました。パッケージは、武庫川学院の学院カラーであるピーコックグリーンを基調とし、学院が創立100周年に向けて提唱するMUKOJO Vision「一生を描ききる女性力を。」やロゴをデザインしました。





Mukogawa Women’s University’s original brand of 500ml bottled water is now on sale. It’ll be sold on campus with the university’s logo on the packaging. The origin of the water inside the bottle is the product “sahime no izumi” manufactured by Sanin Kubota Water Supply Materials Co., Ltd. Its characteristics include 70mg of silicon dioxide per liter, which is known to be of a component that forms the skin and hair. The product is soft water which can be known for its mellowness when consumed.


With the cooperation of Sanin Kubota Water Supply Materials Co., Ltd. it was possible to produce a 500ml bottle of water based on “sahime no izumi” water with Mukogawa Women’s University logo printed on it. On the packaging, the peacock-green color that resembles the color of Mukogawa Union has been placed, along with the logo of MUKOJO Vision “Empowering Her Design” on it.


The newly-branded bottle of water will be used in various situations. From being available to purchase at the cafeterias of the junior/senior high school, to being applied to use in future events and it’ll be used as a source of PR for Mukogawa Women’s University.  


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