

Dementia prevention project starting on the 11th.

English below. 








Five medical departments at Mukogawa Women’s University (Health and Sports Science, Food and Nutrition Science, Psychology and Social Welfare, and Nursing) have teamed up to form a “dementia prevention class” to work on reducing the risk of dementia from various angles. The target audience for this project are Mukogawa Women’s University graduates over the age of 65 and 20 of their family members. Prior to the start of the project all participants were given a screening to make sure of their physical and mental state.


A Swedish FINGER study suggests that early cognitive dysfunction can be ameliorated by multidisciplinary intervention such as exercise, nutrition and cognitive functioning. Based on nutrition and dietary guidance by the Department of Food and Nutrition, and exercise guidance by the Department of Health and Sports Science, the project will incorporate musical therapy as well as psychotherapy to stimulate the mental aspects of the participants.


In addition to the faculty members mentioned above, selective students from various departments volunteered and exercised assistance. The participants were given light exercises to do with the helping hand from the students as well as dietary support. Each week, a practice pf multi-disciplinary intervention program that combines exercise with other aspects of management. A year on, cognitive function will be reassessed to confirm its effectiveness.


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