<日本語/English>経営学部の学生がミニコミ誌「なるお通信 vol.3」の取材・記事作成に参加、地域活性化の事例研究も実施し最終発表会が行われました。


Students from the Faculty of Business Administration took part in the making of “Naruo Bulletin vol.3” newsletter.


English below. 



4月下旬にキックオフし、主にリモートで担当の本田一成教授のリサーチ講習や鳴尾エリア活性化プランの準備を進め7月に発表会を実施。7月下旬から『なるお通信 vol/3』に掲載する記事のために、店舗の取材と記事作成を行いました。


鳴尾エリア活性化プランは、4人の学生が7月、「エリア内の公園の多さ」「高槻市との住みやすさの比較」「 エリア内にある複数の神社をつなぐ歴史」「学生と一体となった活性化」といった独自の視点で発表しました。プロジェクト協力会社で鳴尾エリアの活性化主体である株式会社阪神ステーションネットの担当の方からは、着眼点、SDGsの視点、知られざる事実の解明、プレゼン技術などが評価された一方で、エリアの考え方、関連する別の切り口、具体的な取り組み方法などに関する課題も指摘され、それらを反映させたプランに仕上げ最終発表を行いました。







As a part of PBL, four students participated in a project to help make and write in a local published brochure. The students were in charge of “Where shall we go for lunch?” article, which they interviewed and wrote about. On October 15th, the final presentation was held about the case study conducted to measure the requirements for the development of the town, Naruo.  


With a help from Professor Honda, the research and planning of how to make the town livelier had been in progress since April this year. The plan to rejuvenate the town of Naruo was broken up in four steps. First was to create more parks for children to play in in the area. Another was to compare the comfort of living with Takatsuki city.  The third was introduction of shrines with long standing history within the area, and creating opportunities to interact with students of the community.


The final presentation was held online and a representative from Hanshin Station Net Co., Ltd., who is also a partner company to the project gave suggestions and a perspective from SDGs point of view. The editor in charge of Naruo Bulletin not only made comments on the articles that student made, but also explained on things such as production management and problem-solving cases.

Some comments from students – “It’s nice to discover something new about Naruo since I only saw it as a part of my commute to school.” and “It was a valuable experience for me to have had the opportunity to work with and hear the opinions of professionals in this field.”


Professor Honda added, “Although we had tough time with Covid-19 restrictions, the students got through it by working hard and managing to communicate remotely and in person too. They gained a lot of knowledge about the industry and seemed to have made the most of the experience.”


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