<日本語/English> 建築学専攻 修士1年生が組立解体可能な茶室を制作中


Making of - an easy to assemble tearoom by a first-year master’s student.


English below. 


大学院 建築学専攻 修士1年生が「組立解体が可能な茶室」をテーマに小規模な原寸大の空間を設計・制作しています。 学生たちは二つのチームに分かれ、意匠、計画、構造、環境・設備、施工の各面から設計案を検討し、力を合わせて原寸大の空間の施工まで行います。






大学院建築学研究科建築学専攻修士課程では、1年後期と2年前期に 小規模な原寸大の空間の制作にチームで取り組む実習があり、 修士2年が2021年度前期に取り組んだ茶室2室が12月下旬まで、上甲子園キャンパスに展示されました。修士1年の作品は2022年1月に完成予定。


A tea room that can be assembled and dissembled is under construction by a first-year master’s student in the Department of Architecture at the graduate School. The students designed and are producing a small, large-scale spacious room under the theme of “a tea room that can be assembled and disassembled.”


Students will be divided into two teams, and consider design proposals from each aspect of design, planning, structure, environment/ equipment, and work together to a construct an real life sized tea room.


One group is working on a tea room with curved walls, and one commented “our aim is to create something that has a feel of tranquility and gives a sense of openness. We will devise a way to allow light to enter from the sides.” Another group is working on a team room that do not use any nails or adhesives at the joints of columns.



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