<日本語/English> 陸上競技部の船田茜理さんが、「第105回日本選手権・室内競技」の三段跳に出場、3位に入賞しました。


3rd place at the “105th Japan National Championships - Indoor” for Akari Funada.


English below. 



この大会では本学の卒業生で日本代表の、秦 澄美鈴選手(シバタ工業)も走幅跳に出場し、6m33の大会新記録で優勝しています。船田選手の活躍は先輩に続き、跳躍競技の日本代表として羽ばたいて行くことを期待させます。





Ms. Funada competed in the triple jump in the 105th Japan National Championships –

Indoor (organized by JAAF) held at Osaka-jo hall on March 12th. Her recorded time of 13 minutes 7 seconds is just under 20 centimeters to the national indoor record.


Sumire Hata, a former graduate of Mukogawa Women’s University as well as a representative of Japan in long jump was also present at the tournament. Ms. Funada will follow the steps of her predecessor and hopes to carry on the legacy of representing her country in her sport of triple jump


Ms. Funada commented “It must’ve been the first time this season for me to have performed at this level. Having experienced not being able to enter the championships in the previous years, I’m really pleased with the results today. I hope to continue competing to the best of my ability and enjoy the sport. I’m grateful to all the support I’ve received along the way too.”


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