<日本語/English> 教育学部の学生有志と英文学科の卒業生1人が、「3.11」に東日本大震災遺構を訪問しました。
Student volunteers visited the remains of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th.
English below.
当日は日和山公園で、現地の方から被災した状況についてのお話を伺い、献花を行いました。また、被災直後から支援活動をされ、現在も石巻や全国で支援活動をされているNPO法人 カーシェアリング協会の設立者の方からもお話を伺うなど、充実した時間を過ごしました。
A group of 6 students from Department of Education and Department of English with a faculty member paid a visit to Ishinomaki city, Miyagi prefecture.
Ishinomaki city suffered a lot of damage and among the areas affected the most by the earthquake in terms of schooling facilities was the Ishinomaki Okawa Elementary School.
In the home economics classes, the students learned about the tragedy happening in the city of Ishinomaki and the support that was needed, they were eager to go on site and see for themselves. They had the opportunity to learn about how the local community dealt post the incident, the wreckage at Hiyoriyama Park and how people had made offerings of flowers in support almost immediately.