The title awarding ceremony for professor emeritus for the year 2022 held with 6 new professors appointed to it.
English below.
郷路 行生(英語文化学科) 専門:イギリス劇文学
佐方 哲彦(心理・社会福祉学科) 専門:青年臨床心理学
丹田 佳子(情報メディア学科) 専門:ファッションマーケティング
丸山 健夫(情報メディア学科) 専門:情報学
町浦 美智子(看護学科) 専門:看護学
藤谷 智子(幼児教育学科) 専門:発達心理学
The ceremony to celebrate the professors reviving their titles of honor were awarded by the president Mr. Seguchi on April 2nd. A total of 6 professors were appointed on that day. This title at Mukogawa Women’s University is given to professors who have worked at the university for a certain period of time who have contributed to educational and academic achievements.