<日本語/English> 第67回武庫川女子大学文化祭が10月7日、始まりました。9日まで開催します。
The 67th Mukogawa Women’s University Culture Festival has commenced.
English below.
「第67回武庫川女子大学文化祭」(主催:文化祭実行委員会)が10月7日、始まりました。「Girls, Be Ambitious!」をスローガンに10月9日まで開催します。
9:30~10:00 開会式(書道部、バトン・チアリーディング部)
10:30~10:40 箏曲部
10:40~10:45 日本舞踊部
12:30~13:30 演劇部
13:30~14:00 放送部
15:00~16:40 大環・短生ファッションショー
9:30~10:20 DANCE!!!
10:20~10:50 エアロビックダンス部
10:55~11:10 Trefle
11:10~11:25 コーラス部
11:25~11:45 マンドリン部
11:45~12:00 吹奏楽部
15:00~15:30 閉会式
It had been a much anticipated 3 years since the Culture Festival last took place. The Koe Memorial Hall played a host as the main arena where announcements and performances were held.
With regards to prevention of the spread of Covid-19, the festival was not open to public, with admission limited to students, faculty and members of staff – up to 2 associated acquaintances per student, faculty and staff.
On the 7th, as the eve of the festival, a guest talk show by actress Riisa Naka was held at the hall. The festival will run until the 9th.