<日本語/English> 文部科学省の「私立大学等改革総合支援事業」に本学が3年連続で選定されました。


English below. 







For the third year in a row, Mukogawa Women’s University has been selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the "Comprehensive Support Project for Reform of Private Universities".


Mukogawa Women's University was selected as "Type 3 (Contribution to Local Communities: Regional Collaboration)" in the 2022 MEXT's "Comprehensive Support Program for Private University Reform" for its contribution to the development of local communities. This is the third consecutive year that Mukogawa Women's University has been selected for this project.


A total of 609 universities, junior colleges, and technical colleges applied for Type 1 through 4, and 252 schools were selected for support. Of these, 206 schools applied for Type 3, Regional Collaboration, and 58 schools, or 28%, were selected. Mukogawa Women’s University applied only for Type 3.


The Comprehensive Support Program for Reform of Private Universities and Colleges is a government program that provides focused support to universities and other institutions that are engaged in university-wide, systematic reforms to clarify and enhance their own characteristics, strengths, and roles.


Click here for more information.



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