

English below. 





※秩父宮賜杯 第63回 実業団・学生対抗陸上競技大会とは?

「オールスターナイト陸上」とも言われており、正式名称は「実業団・学生対抗陸上競技大会」です。普段は互いに競い合っている日本全国の実業団・学生のトップレベルの選手たちが、この日だけの「実業団オールスター」チームと「学生オールスター」チームに分かれ、賜杯を目指して得点を競い、日本で唯一の「実業団 vs. 学生」の真剣勝負の大会です。今回、船田さんは女子学生の主将を務めました。


Akari Funada, a first-year student at the Graduate School of Health and Sport Sciences, won the 2023 All-Star Night Track and Field event.


Akari Funada, a first-year student at the Graduate School of Health and Sport Sciences, participated in the 2023 All-Star Night Games held in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture on 1st of July, as a student captain. She won the triple jump with a record of 13m59.


Ms. Funada is scheduled to represent Japan at the FISU World University Games to be held in Chengdu, China in August.


*What is the All-Star Night Games?


It's a competition where the top-level athletes’ from working business people to students from all across nation, who normally compete against each other, are divided into "industrial company all-star" teams and "student all-star" teams for this one day only, and compete for points to win the Emperor's Cup, the only serious "industrial company vs. student" competition in Japan. This time, Ms. Funada was the captain of the student team for the women's team.


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