English below.
県立明石公園で開催中の「2023ひょうごまちなみガーデンショーin明石」に建築学研究科景観建築学専攻の修士1年生9人が共同制作したデモンストレーションガーデン「輪廻 テンセグリティによる舞う竹の造形~」を出展しています。24日まで。入場無料。
Nine first-year master students of the Graduate School of Architecture, majoring in landscape architecture, are exhibiting a collaborative demonstration garden, "Rinne: Dancing Bamboo Formation with Tensegrity," at the "2023 Hyogo Town Garden Show in Akashi" in Akashi Park, Akashi Prefecture. Admission is free.
The theme of the work is the reincarnation of plants. In consideration of sustainability, the material used was bamboo that can be found on university campus. The delicate bamboo tensegrity structure of the bamboo creates a light, dancing petal.